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A Summer of Eco-Action

JUNE 2023
Summer is a great time of year to get outside and enjoy everything that our local communities have to offer. The downtime also offers kids an opportunity to put into practice everything they’ve learned about eco-action throughout the year.  

This month, we suggest a game to help your students review some great eco-friendly habits as well as an easy-to-organize Scavenger Hunt to get your students out and exploring the nature around them. We also have a few book recommendations with ideas of environmental projects to send your students off with…or to inspire you for next year.
In this game, your class will be separated into teams and you’ll have 8 lists of eco-friendly behaviours. The teams will have three minutes to come up with 6 answers to a category, such as “Ways to save water”. Each team will get a point for every answer they have that is also on your list. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins!

EARTH RANGERS HOMEROOM   Did you know that Earth Rangers has a whole site dedicated to ready-to-use resources for educators? This activity and many more can be found on Earth Rangers Homeroom.

Ma Classe Éco, the French version of Homeroom will be up and running at the end of June! It will be available at 
Prepare a list of 10 plants, animals, or environmental features that can be found in your local vicinity, for example, milkweed, a bee, moss, or an earthworm.  
  • Divide the class into teams and provide each team with the scavenger hunt list
  • Take the class outside and explain the boundaries for the scavenger hunt
  • Set a time limit of 20 minutes for teams to locate as many items on the list as possible
  • As an option, teams can take photos to show their discoveries

At the end of the time limit, gather together and tally the points for each team based on the number of items they found.   Conclude the game by discussing the significance of each item on the list and how it contributes to the local ecosystem. For example, milkweed as a host plant for Monarchs, bees as pollinators, moss keeping areas humid for other plants, earthworms improving quality of soil.


Book: 10 Things I can do to help my world by Melanie Walsh (2012, Candlewick) (Ages 3-7). This picture book is perfect to get smaller children excited about helping the planet.

Book: The Outdoor Scientist: The Wonder of Observing the Natural World by Temple Grandin (2021, Philomel Books) (Ages 7-11). Fun for kids, but also interesting for educators, this book helps children understand the natural world through 40 projects ideas.

Do you know a teen that might be interested?

For more information or to sign up, click here!

In the last Newsletter before summer vacation, we will offer games and activities to inspire your students to continue learning and helping the environment all summer long!

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