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Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action: The Power of Stories to Change

Mar 2023

We all have the power to make a difference. However, when we hear not so optimistic news about the state of the planet, it can be easy to get discouraged. In fact, many children are currently experiencing eco-anxiety because they feel powerless.  

In order to find ways to help children manage these feelings, Earth Rangers undertook a research study about eco-anxiety and kids. We identified the 5E’s of eco-action: empathy, education, environmental stewardship, excitement, and empowerment.

How can we translate these 5Es in to our teaching practice? Earth Rangers has developed the Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action Micro-credential to help educators do just that. This course gives educators examples of tools and strategies to empower children to take eco-action. The next session runs from April 3rd to May 5th. To sign up or for more information, click here.  

This month, inspired by our Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action Micro-credential, we will look at sample strategies and resources to support students in moving from anxiety to positive environmental action. 
The Inspiring Eco-Action through Storytelling mini-lesson offers a list of resources for K-6 classrooms (books, videos and community members) and strategies to use these stories to inspire hope and action. The complete activity can be found on Earth Rangers Homeroom.

Did you know that Earth Rangers has a whole site dedicated to ready-to-use resources for educators?
This activity and many more can be found on Earth Rangers Homeroom.  

Ma Classe Éco, the French version of homeroom is coming soon! Stay tuned for more information…
Have your students sit in a comfortable position with their feet on the floor.    Select an animal and ask the students to breath like that animal for 10-20 seconds. Start with energetic animals, such as an excited monkey, and move towards slow breathing animals, such as a hibernating bear.   Some possible animals: excited monkey, roaring lion, fiery dragon breath, buzzing bumble bee, calm cat, yawning crocodile and hibernating bear.

VIDEO: Fight, Flight, Freeze: A Guide to Anxiety for Kids (Anxiety Canada, 2019). This short video explains anxiety and the different reactions it provokes in a kid-friendly way.   

GUIDE: Earth Rangers Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action: Parent Guide. This guide gives more information about the 5 E’s to drive eco-action and tips of how to put theory into practice.
Eco-anxiety is a reality for children today. The five modules of our micro-credential give educators a chance to deepen their understanding of eco-anxiety, to develop tools to help children manage their feelings, to explore concrete teaching approaches, and to learn ways to support student-led stewardship projects.

For more information or to sign up, click here!

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