
Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6

Shoreline & Schoolyard Saver (US)

Shorelines and the vegetation found there have a key role in keeping pollution out of water, regulating flooding and...

Power Detectives

In this activity, your class will discover why saving energy is important, explore how the school uses energy, and...

3Rs Mini-Mission

Reduce, reuse, recycle are very familiar words. But what does your class know about how waste is managed in...

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

This activity will encourage students and teachers to focus their attention on our natural environmentand to be aware of...

Shoreline & Schoolyard Saver (Canada)

Shorelines and the vegetation found there have a key role in keeping pollution out of water, regulating flooding and...

Art as Collaboration

When artists are inspired by the work of others, they will list these artists as influences and give thanks...

Which pollinator am I?

Through a fun game of charades, students learn more about pollinators. Following the game, theyresearch different pollinators and create...

Coming to Our Senses

This set of mindfulness activities is designed to connect students with the natural world and connect them to it...

Conservation Heroes!

In this activity, students talk about habitats and why they’re important for animals. Next, they will meet some young...

Can Nature Digest This?

After exploring and observing decomposition in action, students will share the message that while dead organisms become food for...